01202 779911
07967 027025
  • Offer 1

    Say BLUE SKY on booking a week to Win a chance outofseason week.

Terms & Conditions


A DEPOSIT of ONE THIRD is required on reservation of the flat.THE DEPOSIT IS BASED ON THE HIGHEST TERMS IF MORE THAN ONE CHOICE IS MADE. On receipt of your complete reservation form and deposit, accommodation will be reserved (subject to availability). Our official confirmation of holiday reservation, detailing all the relevant information concerning the accommodation together with our official receipt for the deposit received, will then be forwarded to you. If we are unable to reserve accommodation for you, the full amount of the deposit received will be returned to you.

The BALANCE of the rental fee should be paid to the landlord or Agent at least SIX WEEKS before the commencement of the holiday. IF AN APPLICATION IS MADE FOR ACCOMMODATION TO BE TAKEN UP WITHIN SIX WEEKS, THE FULL RENTAL FEE WILL BE REQUIRED WITH THE RESERVAION APPLICATION. The owner reserves the right to refuse or cancel any reservation without being under obligation to assign any reason and will accept no liability in respect of the refusal or cancellation, but shall refund all monies paid by the visitor in respect of such reservation.


Reservations are normally accepted from Saturday to Saturday (unless otherwise stated on property description) during the main holiday season (being May to September inclusive). To arrange a reservation please complete the booking form on the website and send it to us together with the payment details. No reservation will be accepted from any person under 18 years.


The rental terms for self catering accommodation are quoted by season for each accommodation – the periods covering each season are printed within the brochure. All prices quoted are subject to alteration without notice. In the event that you have to cancel your holiday six weeks before it is due to commence for any reason there will be an administration charge of £50.00. If you have to cancel your holiday within 5 weeks of its start date there will be a £75.00 charge, if four weeks before the start date there will be a charge of £100.00, if cancelled three weeks before the charge will be £125.00, If cancelled beyond this point the full cost of the holiday will not be refundable. In the event of a death or serious accident, proof will be required in order to receive a refund of 50% of your holiday price.


Visitors are required to bring their own sheets, duvet covers and pillow cases. ALL OTHER BEDDING IS PROVIDED. Sheets, pillowcases and duvet covers, also cots and high chairs and other baby equipment can be hired. Under no circumstances will visitors be allowed to sleep in beds without adequate bed linen.

For self-catering accommodation, babies up to the age of two years are classified as cot age and one baby is allowed free if extra persons are subject to surcharge. A cot and mattress can be hired from the owner to arrange for this and to agree the hiring free prior to the arrival date. IN ALL CASES THE VISITOR MUST BRING THEIR OWN COT BEDDING.


Pets are not acceptable unless prior permission has been given. Pet details must be recorded on the booking form. Pets are only accepted on the visitor’s guarantee that their pet is fully house trained and at all times kept under control. Anyone arriving without prior approval on an animal will be refused entry of the pet. Please note that a property stating NO PETS does not guarantee that there have never been pets residing/visiting in this property. A £20 supplement per pet per week will apply. Pets should not be left in the property unattended at any time.


Visitors are strongly advised to arrange insurance cover against personal loss. The use of the accommodation is at the visitor’s risk and no liability will be accepted by the owner for injury to occupants, loss or damage of belongings. Your insurance company will be pleased to advise you.


Visitors are required to CONTACT the Landlord (where indicated on holiday receipt) at least SIX WEEKS before arrival date to (a) request where keys are to be obtained and (b) to advise estimated time of arrival. Loss of keys will incur a charge equivalent of that to change the locks and obtain new keys, payable by the applicant. All keys must be returned to the Landlord within seven days of the end of the holiday. If visitors become locked out during their holiday there will be a call-out fee for a representative to visit the property and regain access (£10 charge will be made 9am – 5pm Mon-Fri, £25 charge will be made out of office hours PAYABLE ON ARRIVAL).


Visitors must clearly understand that the accommodation will NOT BE AVAILABLE UNTIL 3.00 p.m. on the arrival date. On the day of departure the visitor must arrange to leave NOT LATER THAN 10.00a.m. Please note that if you do have problems when you arrive your first point of contact should be the owner of the property.


The accommodation is made available for letting on the clear understanding that it is left in a THOROUGHLY CLEAN AND TIDY CONDITION at the time of vacating by the visitor. The visitor must also ensure that ALL SURPLUS FOOD AND DRINK ETC.. are disposed of and that ALL WASTE IS REMOVED from the premises. The visitor will be held responsible for any damage or breakages that occur and such incidents must be reported to the Landlord and the required compensation paid before departure. If any breakages or damage are not reported to the Landlord, or the property not left thoroughly clean and tidy, an invoice will be sent to the applicant which must be paid within seven days. Failure to do this may results in legal proceedings.


An Electric (one pound) pay meter is fitted. The electric coin meter is located in the cupboard under the kitchen/dining work top, in the bar stool seating area side


IT SHOULD BE NOTED THAT THE CONTRACT OF RENTAL SHALL BE BETWEEN THE HIRER AND THE LANDLORD, SUBJECT TO CONDITION OF RENTAL. The Owner and Owner’s Agent reserve the right at their absolute discretion to refuse or cancel any Reservation or any arrangements made without being under obligation to assign any reason therefore. In such event no liability in respect of the refusal or cancellation shall fall upon the Owner nor the Owner’s Agents save only that they shall refund to the Occupier the monies already paid by him or her in respect of such reservation. The visitor and his/her party have the right to occupy the accommodation for the purpose of a holiday only and are not protected tenancies under the Rent Acts. It is not permissible to assign, let, part with possession of the accommodation, nor allow any other person other than those named on the booking form received to occupy the accommodation.


While every possible care is taken in preparation of the details printed in the brochure, the visitor will fully appreciate that the human element cannot be disregarded and the Landlord will not accept any liability for any loss incurred. Should an error be made and later noted all those concerned will be notified. Details of your reservation are printed on your Booking Confirmation and it is imperative that these details are carefully checked for accuracy. Any discrepancies should be reported within 7 days, in writing.

Contact us today on 01202 779911 or 07967 027025 for more information
about Iona Holiday Flat in Bournemouth

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